Wednesday, March 30, 2011

battlestar galactica rascist joke that should have been

they should have had at least one "I guess we all look the same to YOU people" comment by a cylon in a sneering voice. i mean, c'mon, it was just set up for something like that.

i think the worst part about BG is that it took itself too seriously. it was the thing that firefly did so well, and as you see SERENITY landing in one of the first scenes in the first episode of the series (when Roslyn is getting her test results in a ridiculously large doctor's office.............seriously what's the fuckin deal what that guys ENORMOUS room with massive glass panes, it's like she was meeting with god or some evil overlord from an old james bond film, all he needed was a white cat to stroke, a twirled mustache, and a large leather swivel-chair that he turns casually around in when roslin approaches his desk.........i mean shit, how are his really sick patients gonna even make it across the room; it's like a cruel joke; i could see him taunting them to TRY to get to his desk where he can heal all their ills.

but i digress...............and and i'm damn proud of it

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