Sunday, April 3, 2011


so half of the time in this blog i mispell words because i really don't want to spend much time on this shit; especially since right now i think approximately no one is reading it (so you! yeah you, "no one", go read my bolg!). the other hlalf of the time ..........(and i guess another 1/2666th of the time i do it purposefully because i'm posting a post ABOUT mispelling).............i do it because i'm making up words: yes, that's correct, i'm creating language, right here, right now

language isn't set in stone, no matter what mrs. marriam and mr. webster, and your fourth grade english teacher told you, it's always changing. and sometimes, i like certain words, or phrases, and i use them. and they may not be official "yet". hell, thye may well never be, but we're all evolving and so is our language. no with the internet (and btw: think about how freaking unbelievably wild it is to live in the generation where computers where invented: well at least when i was a kid, we had no PC, and my dad has worked in the computing industry as long as i've known him, which if you haven't guessed it (and if you haven't, i have a very friendly neuro-psychiatrist who would like to make you acquaintence).......i've known him for my entire life.......course i just realized i just hammered on folks from a

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